whom went on amber alert as she was abducted from her own grandparents home one night. When all was solved, it was discovered the little nine-year-old, Jessica Lunsford, had been kidnapped by John Couey. He admitted to have kept her bound in the closet for at-least three days. Her body was found buried in his backyard, and had shown signs of rape, abuse, and being buried alive.
The sweet little girl in pink was known as "grandma's girl"* and to have just loved: purple and pink.
Her father, even declaring himself to be just a simple man - a truck driver - fought. He was devastated, but knew action was all he could do. With much lobbying he has gotten legislation on the floor, legislation talked about among the public, and bills now passed in Texas. A bill was signed Monday, July 17, 2007 to increase punishment for sexual predators by Governor Rick Perry. The restrictions in the bill include GPS tracking and at-least twenty-five years in prison without parole for aggravated assault of a child under six-years.** And thank her father, for the many justices he served the system by his strict advocation.
*Read more about sweet Jessica Lunsford
*Continue reading information on the Predation Bill, also known as the Jessica Lunsford Law
~For Jessica~
Very nice start.
KSeago said...
Think about embedding the links to your articles such as this Texas signs off on strict child predation bill.
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